Heart Crystals

from $25.00

A new order of Crystals have Arrived!

Cleansed then filled with the amazing energies of healing and transformation of the Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse. Now ready for your Personal selection!

To Order, just tell Deb which crystal calls to you as a pressie! Or for yourself :)

You can place crystals in bowls around the house, under the pillow while you sleep or in your pockets, handbag or bra near your heart...they radiate their energy.

Small: $25

Medium: $35

Large: $45


Golden Healers *only available in large size SOLD OUT

Golden Healers have an unbreakable force of immense golden light. That force teaches us to observe the world with curiosity, wonder and knowing. By exploring the great mystery you will find the true self. They also impart the ability to not get stuck and the wisdom of using decaying energies for further creation. Golden Healers guide us to exactly where we need to be & what we need to do, for the self and highest good of all.

Clear Quartz

It receives, activates, stores, transmits and amplifies energy. It dispels negativity in one’s energy field and environment, producing a naturally balanced situation. Excellent for meditation.

Rose Quartz

The “Love Stone’. Helps clear stored anger, resentment, guilt, fear and jealousy. Cools a hot temper, reduces stress and tension. Allows forgiveness and compassion. Enhances love, self confidence and creativity.


The crystal children love to play with and the first of the crystals they reach for... it is said it helps you make your dreams come true. A man made milky blue iridescent.

Labradorite *only available in small size SOLD OUT

The hearts that appear black are laboradite are a deep blue with dark green and gold and other colours through them. Highly mystical, protective and brings in light. Forms a barrier to negative energies. Releases fears and insecurities. Gives faith in self and trust in the universe. Stone of transformation and can bring your dreams into reality.

Smokey Quartz

Excellent stone for grounding and protecting, especially in time of stress. Eliminates and detoxes on all levels. Relieves fear, lifts depression and brings calmness. Aids acceptance of physical body.

Amethyst *only available in small size

Enhances intuition, spirituality and meditation. Extremely protective. Calms the mind and spirit. Protects from nightmares and insomnia.

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